Day by Day cartoon

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Busy morning on the job hunting front!

In spite of what seems pitiful few places to apply for work, today is turning out to be a red letter day and with any luck at all, something good- maybe several things good, could result. I'm energized by the swirling possibilities!

I spoke to a man in Oklahoma City about a job opening here in Utah as a support contractor this morning. I know the guy that is leaving the position, he heard recommendations from a couple people that know I am out of work and had already forwarded my name back to his boss in Oklahoma. Today I spoke to that boss and sent him my resume. I also attended a job fair for positions on the base that were supposed to be intern positions but the qualifications required a current or pending Masters degree. That was the bad news. The good news was that the fellow doing the interviews is a supervisor in the building where I worked last and we were able to close a connection concerning my availability that he was unaware of. He didn't know that I was a contractor in his building, thinking I was already Civil Service and also unaware that the assistance he was providing to one of his Flight Chiefs regarding bringing in an external hire was for my benefit. Once all those coincidences were ironed out it sounded like he would do all he could to get me hired back into his building at the first opportunity!

I also received my first ever email from the Utah Department of Workforce Services recommending that I apply for a particular position based upon my skills and so I did that just before coming here to write about it. It's a technical writing, and get this- a blogging position! Woot!

Now it's time for lunch and more work on Fish Slayer. I installed the new glovebox last night and I can begin to reinstall all the newly recovered panels.

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